Pay Per Click

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Google Pay Per Click Adwords - Free Ebook on using Adwords CPC to Promote your business

Pay Per Click Adwords - click here to download a free ebook on how to use the Google Adwords program to advertise your business using adwords marketing. The ebook is a PDF file (2.5MB) compressed as a ZIP file. You will need Winzip to decompress the PDF file and the free Adobe Reader program to read the ebook.

Google Adwords is the premier Intenet advertising product, and main source of revenue for Google, the most prominent search engine for the Internet. AdWords offers pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, and site-targeted advertising for both text and banner ads. The AdWords program includes local, national, and international distribution for your advertisement. Google's text advertisements are short, consisting of one title line and two content text lines.

The image below shows Google Adwords being displayed on our website through the Adesense program.

Pay Per Click Adwords examples at

Advertisers specify the words that thay want to trigger their ads and the maximum amount they are willing to pay per click (known as a bid). When a user searches Google's search engine on, ads for relevant words are shown as "sponsored link" on the right side of the screen, and sometimes above the main search results.

Googles Adword adverticements are also displayed through the Google Adsense program where the Adword advertisement is displayed on another publishers website and Adword revenue is then shared with the subsequent publisher who has bid for their keyword using pay per click adwords.

"; $url = str_replace("", $KEYWORDS, $url); print "
    "; flush(); class SimpleXmlParser{ var $SimpleParser; var $feedUrl; var $title = ""; var $description = ""; var $link = ""; var $author=""; var $pubDate=""; var $insideitem = false; var $tag = ""; var $count_results = 0; var $total_results = 0; function SimpleXmlParser($MyFeed, $results) { $this->total_results = $results; $this->SimpleParser = xml_parser_create(); $this->feedUrl=$MyFeed; xml_set_object($this->SimpleParser,$this); xml_set_element_handler($this->SimpleParser, "XmlParserFirstElement", "XmlParserendElement"); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->SimpleParser, "characterData"); $this->ParseFeed(); // Call to Parser Function } function XmlParserFirstElement($parser, $tagName, $attrs) { if ($this->insideitem) { $this->tag = $tagName; } elseif ($tagName == "ITEM") { $this->insideitem = true; } } function XmlParserendElement($parser, $tagName) { //The Function Will be called, when ever the XML_PARSER Encounters a end Tag, in the XML File if ($tagName == "ITEM") { if ($this->count_results < $this->total_results) { print "
  • "; print " link . "\">"; print htmlspecialchars(trim($this->title)); print "
    "; print htmlspecialchars(trim($this->description)) . "
    "; print "

  • "; $this->title = ""; $this->description = ""; $this->link = ""; $this->insideitem = false; } $this->count_results = $this->count_results + 1; } } function characterData($parser, $data) { if ($this->insideitem) { switch ($this->tag) { case "TITLE": $this->title .= $data; break; case "DESCRIPTION": $this->description .= $data; break; case "LINK": $this->link .= $data; $pos = strpos($this->link, "*"); if (!($pos === false)) { $this->link = substr($this->link , $pos + 1, 300); } $this->link = trim($this->link); $pos = strpos($this->link, "//"); if (!($pos === false)) { $this->link = substr($this->link , $pos + 2, 300); } break; } } } function ParseFeed(){ $data=str_replace("’", "'",$data); $data=str_replace("-–","-",$data); $data=str_replace("“","'",$data); $data=str_replace("”","'",$data); $data = file_get_contents($this->feedUrl); xml_parse($this->SimpleParser, $data); xml_parser_free($this->SimpleParser); } } $XMLpar = new SimpleXmlParser($url, $QTY); print "
" ?>

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